
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Beauty of Words (1)

I love words. There are all sorts of words. Big words. Small words. Smart-sounding words. Slang. Adorable words(Hello? Kinchin?) and words that sound like illnesses. Words that build up and words that tear down.

One of the joys of reading is always discovering new words. Here is a collection of words we don't use enough, and their definitions.


Nuque [nook, nyook]: The back of the neck.

Kinchin [kin-chin]: A child

Hent [hent]: to seize

Whippersnapper [hwip-er-snap-er]: an unimportant but offensively presumptuous person, especially a young one.

Swashbuckling [swosh-buhk-ling]: Characteristic of or behaving in the manner of a swashbuckler(a swaggering swordsman, soldier, or adventurer; daredevil).

Definitions as seen on

According to spellcheck, nuque, kinchin, and hent are NOT words. A load of hogwash if you ask me.

All right, fellow wordaholics. What are some of your favorite, unusual words?


  1. I bought a book a couple of years ago called "Let's Bring Back: The Lost Language Edition. A collection of forgotten-yet-delightful words, phrases, praises, insults, idioms, and literary flourishes from eras past." I marked some words that I want to include when I eventually write a novel. Some of my favorites include:

    Ink-slinger: A journalist, author, or other "brother of the quill"

    Galoptious: An expression of delight.

    Dandiprat: A silly, finicky, or puerile person.

    Owl-light: Dusk (I <3 this one.)

    Tippybobs: The upper classes.

  2. That's awesome! I need that book! And I LOVE all of these words, particularly Ink-slinger and tippybobs(I must have said this one out loud 3 or 4 times just now).

  3. I love these words- my grandfather used to call me Whippersnapper when I was a child xD

  4. I know and love the words 'whippersnapper' and 'swashbuckling', but I hadn't heard of the first three. Love 'kinchin' though. I must use that one at some point. I like the word 'florid'. Such an old fashioned word, but it could use a little more loving, poor thing.

    1. 'Florid' IS a good word. Very fanciful. I like 'kinchin' too. Sound like a sweet term of endearment.

  5. I have always been partial to Whippersnapper.

  6. This is lovely! I'd never heard of the first three, but they're great.
    Hmm... Unusual words. I like to say "irrelevant," though I'm not sure how unusual that is. And "preposterous." Ooh, and "toff." Toff is a great word.


  7. Ooohh I love 'whippersnapper'. I know a lot of people like that. LOL :D One word that really stuck with me was "callipygian". Learned that from Anna and the French Kiss. :)

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

    1. Lol! I had to look up callipygian. That will definitely stay with me!
