
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Writer Struggles: You Know That Place...With That Thing?

We've all been there. All of us have had conversations where, at some point or another, we just didn't know what to say. Where our minds just keep grasping for something--someway to express what we're thinking. Because, more often than not, we NEED to say something. There's always something or other on our minds. But how to say it?

I think it's the same feeling writers get when we can't seem to pen the right words. What we write just doesn't seem to flow. We KNOW there's a better word to use in place of the one we've put. It's on the tip of the tongue, but we just can't think of it. Or our descriptions just aren't sufficient enough.

What does this mean for writers? What do we do when the best description we can come up with is "that place....with that thing..."

Well, first we usually bang our heads on the nearest hard surface...

And then we keep writing.

You don't stop a conversation with someone altogether just because you couldn't think of the right word, do you? It's same(for me at least) when I'm writing. I may not get it perfect sometimes. That's the struggle of every writer. But I understand that I have to keep at it. I may leave a few blank spaces or mistakes, but I can always go back and fix those later.

Just because you don't get it right the first time doesn't mean you're incompetent. It means you struggle, just like every other writer.

Tell me, do you overcome this problem differently? How?

(This was my first of a new feature called "Writer Struggles!" I wasn't sure at first whether to introduce the writing aspect of my life to my book blog, but hopefully it will work out. I also hope to host guest posts, where other writers can expound on their own struggles and how they overcome them. Please contact me if you want to participate!)


  1. Often times what I do when I find something I can't describe/remember the word for is I write ((elephant)) and come back to it later. Especially if I'm warring and I'm putting on a big burst of speed, I don't want to stop and worry about describing things, I want to keep going! So what I do is write "The ((elephant)) wall was ((elephant))." Or something. That's what I do when I write, but during conversation I have to sit and think before I talk at all anyway, so I'll just sit there, suggesting things willy nilly until someone says "Do you mean *the word*?"

  2. That's a really good idea! I'll have to choose my own word to use like that....what do you think of 'Rutabaga'? :)

  3. I always struggle with trying to find the right word when I'm writing, which is why first drafts are so liberating. The problem really comes when I'm editing and I have to face the fact that I can't say "Oh, I'll just fix it later," anymore. I find that when this happens, the thesaurus is my best friend. It's so useful!

    1. Ha! We have a mutual friend then. I usually check first. Then, if I still haven't found the word I'm looking for, I'll move on.

  4. I see a lot of people having this problem I don't write so I don't exactly have this problem but I sketch and sometimes I just can't express myself the inspiration just doesn't come..I usually sleep on it or watch a movie/TV show and try again some time later..usually works for me..I don't have a lot of patience to just sit there and wait for inspiration to come :P
    I think writing trouble can also be solved by sleeping on it or watching something but I don't know not an expert :)
    I'm gonna start with your blog that fan month thing :D

    Neal Kind
    Daily Diaries

    1. I think you're right, Neal. Sometimes it's a good idea to just walk away from what you're doing; get your brain juices flowing with another activity(I don't like the term brain juices. It's kind of disgusting. But I couldn't think of another in point, I guess).

      Aw, thank you muchly! That's cool. You're cool. I'm gonna go follow you.... :)

  5. Oh the struggle of trying to find the right words. I can totally relate to this struggle. For me, I just write the nearest approximation and keep going. My philosophy is that, much like in conversation, the right word will turn up later. And, unlike in conversations, I can go back and put it in just the right place later on. It's a nuisance and means a lot of work, but writing is about the right words, and the struggle for just the right words is totally worth it at the end when the writing turns out beautifully.

    1. I couldn't have put it better. You're right. It can be a total nuisance, but that finished result is so worth it. Thanks for your input!

  6. Brilliant post! Have totally been here both with writing and conversations. But you're right: we can't stop just because it's not perfect the first time.
    Generally, with writing, I'll leave whatever it is for a while and come back to rewrite later. After all, making things better is what edits are for.

    Alexa S. Winters

    1. Thanks, Alexa! I'm glad you agree. You're right--that's what edits are for!
